§ 1-301 Basis for Discipline – Source and Jurisdiction
- By authority of the Board of Trustees, the Urbana-Champaign Senate Committee on Student Discipline is responsible for the administration of student discipline for acts involving the violation of campus or university regulations. These regulations are formulated by a variety of sources, including, but not limited to, the Senate Council on Student Conduct Expectations and Accountability, the Senate, the Chancellor, the President, and the Board of Trustees.
- It is in the best interest of the university and all those who are students or who may desire to become students at the Urbana-Champaign campus that the basis for discipline at this campus be clearly defined. The university discipline system recognizes that not all violations of law affect the interests of the university community, and the discipline system accepts jurisdiction only in those instances in which the university community’s interest is substantially affected. On the other hand, the university may take disciplinary action for incidents that violate the university’s rules of conduct even though such conduct is not prosecuted in the courts. All members of the university community are expected to observe high standards of integrity and ethical behavior. The university discipline system may take action only upon the following basis:
- all actions that are violations of law or Board of Trustees’ action or any university rule of conduct and that occur on university premises or property
- all actions that violate any of the laws or regulations cited in section (a) above and that substantially affect the university community’s interest, even though such actions do not occur on university premises or property (for further information about the criteria used by the Senate Committee on Student Discipline in determining the kinds of conduct covered by this jurisdiction, contact the Office for Student Conflict Resolution).
- all cases referred to the discipline system following interim suspension by the Chancellor
- academic violations
- appeals and referrals from student judiciaries arising from violations of regulations
- violations of university vehicle or bicycle regulations
- Individuals subject to student discipline include but is not limited to all persons:
- taking courses at the university;
- who cancel, withdraw, or graduate after committing behavior which may violate the code;
- who are not officially enrolled for a particular term but have a continuing relationship with the university; and
- who have been notified of and accepted their admission.
This definition includes but is not limited to individuals between academic terms and persons who consent to participating in the student discipline process. - The actions of a Registered Organization and Registered Student Organization in university-approved activities or university-sponsored activities that are in violation of university regulations for organizations may result in disciplinary action against that organization. In addition, individuals involved may also receive disciplinary action as well.
- The university reserves the right to deny admission to any person because of previous misconduct that may substantially affect the interest of the university, or to admit such a person on an appropriate disciplinary status. The admission of such a person will not be approved or denied until the case has been heard by the appropriate disciplinary committee. (This applies to a person not now enrolled in the university who might apply for admission, or to a person who has pre-enrolled whether or not the applicant has paid a deposit.) A favorable action of the appropriate disciplinary committee does not abrogate the right of any dean or director to deny admission on the basis of scholarship. (See § 1‑303.)
- The university reserves the right to withhold authority to register to any student or former student because of previous misconduct that may substantially affect the interests of the university or to assign appropriate disciplinary status to the student or former student. Permission to register will not be approved or denied until the case has been heard by the appropriate disciplinary committee. A favorable action by the appropriate disciplinary committee does not abrogate the right of any dean or director to deny the authority to register on the basis of scholarship. (See § 1‑303.)
- Students admitted to or enrolled in the Graduate College or any of the professional schools or colleges are subject to any additional conduct regulations of those units. Regulations will be available in printed form to those students.
- The university will take disciplinary action for conduct violating §§ 1‑302 to 1‑311 below. Disciplinary action also may be taken for violations of other sections. Examples include but are not limited to: (1) § 1‑402 (Academic Integrity Infractions); (2) § 1‑406 (Multiple Academic Integrity Infractions by the Same Student); (3) § 2‑403 (Smoke and Tobacco Free Campus Policy); and (4) § 2‑406 (Solicitation and Commercial Activity in university Residence Halls).
- Alleged violations of the Student Code noted in (h) above are resolved through procedures developed and approved by the Senate Committee on Student Discipline. These procedures may be found at or by contacting the Office for Student Conflict Resolution. Among other rights delineated in these procedures, the right to written notice of charges and an opportunity to respond to those charges are guaranteed.