§ 1-403 Initial Determination
- Overview. Instructors should regularly check for potential academic integrity violations as student work is submitted so that students can be informed of and learn from their mistakes early in their coursework. Instructors should use the FAIR (Faculty Academic Integrity Report) (FAIR) portal to report potential academic integrity infractions. The software FAIR, used by most colleges, guides Instructors and students through the process exactly as stated in the Student Code and generates all letters and reports. A quick reference guide to academic integrity for Instructors that includes a link to the FAIR portal can be found on the Provost’s website.
- Allegation. An Instructor who has credible evidence that a student has committed an academic integrity infraction shall notify the student in writing of the basis for the belief. The Instructor should review all the student’s submitted work in the course for academic integrity infractions prior to making an allegation and include all infractions in the allegation. The Allegation Notice must contain the evidence (or instructions for accessing the evidence) and sufficient explanation to permit the student to respond to the concern. A copy of the Allegation Notice shall be provided to the department and college in which the course or examination is conducted. The college should, where applicable, submit a copy of the Allegation Notice to the college with which the student is affiliated (for graduate students, the Graduate College is always the applicable college).
- Student Not Enrolled in Course. If a student is not enrolled in the affected course when the alleged infraction occurred, the Instructor shall not make an allegation but shall instead forward that student’s case to the Office for Student Conflict Resolution for handling pursuant to its policies and procedures. This does not apply to allegations arising from non-course-based degree requirements.
- Allegations After the Conclusion of the Course. If the course has already concluded when the Instructor discovers a possible academic integrity infraction, they should consult with their college before sending allegation.
- Student’s Response. The student has ten (10) business days from the date of the Allegation Notice to submit a written response to the Instructor. The response should include all relevant information, all relevant materials, and the names of relevant witnesses the student wishes the Instructor to consider. This is the student’s opportunity to make their case. Upon good cause shown, an extension may be requested in writing and may be granted by the EO.
- Instructor Fact-Finding. The Instructor shall act as fact-finder and explore information relevant to the alleged infraction. The Instructor should consider all information provided by the student in the response. The Instructor may collect additional relevant information to assist in making a determination. The Instructor will respect the privacy of any students involved when making inquiries, including when interviewing involved parties, by not sharing any unnecessary information.
- Multiple Students. When two or more students have been accused of cooperating in an academic infraction, any fact-finding inquiries should establish their independent responsibility, and the sanctions for each individual should be decided separately.
- New Allegations. If the Instructor identifies additional allegations, a revised allegation notice must be sent including all allegations. If academic integrity infractions occur in work submitted after the original allegation notification, the Instructor must initiate a new academic integrity process.
- Timeline. The Instructor shall work to resolve the matter and make a determination on a timely basis, within 20 business days from the date of the Allegation Notice if possible. If no finding has been entered by 20 business days after the grade entry deadline for the course, or the date of the Allegation Notice, whichever is the later date, the college may choose to close the case administratively and notify the Instructor and student.
- Instructor’s Decision.
- If the Instructor concludes that the student did not commit an infraction, the student will have the course options listed in § 1-404(c)(2).
- If the Instructor concludes, based on available information, that it is more probably true than not true that the student has committed an infraction, the Instructor shall make a finding of a violation and impose a sanction as permitted in § 1-404(a).
- In either case (1 or 2), Notice of the Instructor’s decision shall be given to the student and to the department and college in which the course or examination was conducted. The college should, where applicable, submit a copy of the Instructor’s Decision Notice to the college with which the student is affiliated (for graduate students, the Graduate College is always the applicable college). When an infraction is found, the Instructor’s Decision Notice shall include at least: the finding of violation; a brief explanation of the facts establishing the violation; any sanctions and the basis for the same; and instructions for appealing the decision, including contact information for the Appeal Manager and a statement such as: “You have the right to appeal this decision and/or sanction by [insert date, i.e. within five (5) business days from the date of the Instructor’s Decision Notice] pursuant to § 1-405 of the Student Code.” The Instructor shall provide sufficient information regarding the case so that someone who is not familiar with the details of the case can understand the decision.
- Finality of Instructor’s Decision. If a student does not appeal the Instructor’s decision, it shall be final except to the extent the sanction includes a recommendation for suspension or dismissal from the university. A recommendation of suspension or dismissal will be handled pursuant to § 1-405(g).
- Forwarding the Record. Once a decision has been made, the Instructor shall forward the Record to the department or unit executive officer for retention pursuant to applicable policy.