§ 3-302 Classification of Undergraduate Students

  1. Classification of undergraduate students is made by the Office of the Registrar based upon the number of credit hours earned. Classification for registration, enrollment verification, and assessment purposes (except as indicated in subsection (b) below) is based on the following scale:
    • Freshman standing 0–29.9 hours
    • Sophomore standing 30–59.9 hours
    • Junior standing 60–89.9 hours
    • Senior standing 90 or more hours
  2. Students entering the university directly from high school as degree candidates with academic credit earned by advanced placement or similar programs for superior students are considered freshmen for the purpose of admission and registration, but not tuition assessment, regardless of the number of college credit hours they have earned at other institutions or by examination. A freshman applicant is a degree-seeking student who applies for admission while attending high school, regardless of the amount of college credit earned; or is a student enrolled in the fall term who attended college for the first time in the prior summer term; or who, since graduating from high school, has not attended another postsecondary institution as a degree-seeking undergraduate student.